Donation offers that are mailed to or dropped off at the Ohio History Center or one of our sites without previously contacting the staff may not be accepted for the Ohio History Connection collections. To ensure that all donated materials are properly documented and preserved, it is important for you to call or email the curators.
Please give a specific description of the items you want to donate so your offer can be forwarded to the person best able to respond. It would also be helpful if you can send digital pictures of the items.
We receive a high number of calls and e-mails and will do our best to respond in 10-15 business days.
Books, newspapers, periodicals and ephemera with a strong relationship to Ohio's history that will be useful to our researchers.
Consideration is given to materials that are bound, indexed and sensibly arranged.
Selection is guided by our Printed Materials Policy.
Photocopies of original materials
Single issues of newspapers (unless historically significant to Ohio)
Materials that are dirty or in disrepair
Electronic publications
While we will give consideration to all print materials related to Ohio’s history, limitations on storage space and staff time for processing and cataloging requires us to focus on collecting print materials that are not currently well represented or enhance the strengths of existing collections.
Current areas of interest include:
Under Represented Communities, such as the LGBTQ plus community and New American communities
American Indian nations that have historical connections to the land we now call Ohio
Ohio women's activism from the 1800s and 1900s through the present day
Ohio artists, including visual artists, writers and musicians
Ohio’s natural history and archaeology
New scholarship that utilizes Ohio History Connection collections
Ohio government publications lacking in the current collection
Ohio city directories lacking in the current collection
Ohio newspapers on microfilm lacking in the current collection
Ephemeral items that illustrate the life and work of Ohioans
Ohio-related print materials for children and young adults