Ohioans played an important role in the Civil War effort, supplying 319,189 Union soldiers for at least 29 artillery units, 13 cavalry units, and 198 infantry units. Ohio provided the third most troops, only behind New York and Pennsylvania, and led the Union in troops per capita. There were about 60 military camps established in Ohio, from Athens to Zanesville. Despite divided sentiments throughout Ohio, the state still contributed greatly to the Union victory. A number of prominent generals, including William T. Sherman and future U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, came from Ohio. 360,222 Union soldiers lost their lives during the war, 35,475 from Ohio. Nearly 30,000 Ohioans came out of the war totally or partially disabled.
For more Ohio Civil War facts, visit the History Blog.
On Ohio in the Civil War, Larry Stevens has compiled a bibliography of known published sources for each Ohio regiment.
Issues of The National Tribune listed there are available online at Chronicling America from the Library of Congress.
The Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866 [Ohio Docs 973.7471 A2] is available in 12 print volumes and on microfilm [FLM 290 reels 1-9] with a separate four volume index [R Ohio Docs 973.7471 A2 Index v.1-4] in print and on microfilm [FLM 291 reels 1-4] in the Library. Index volumes are located in the Ready Reference section of the Library, while other materials may be paged for research. Microfilm reels are located in the Library Microfilm Room.
Muster-in and Muster-out Rolls, 1861-1865 [State Archives Series 2440] are available on microfilm rolls GR 1677 through GR 2061 in the Library Microfilm Room.
Ohio War Records, 1861-1865 [State Archives Series 79] list the names and information of soldiers in Ohio Regiments, and are on microfilm rolls GR 6789 though GR 6809 in the Library Microfilm Room.
Correspondence to the Governor and Adjutant General of Ohio, 1861-1898 [State Archives Series 147] contains correspondence related to Civil War topics. Responses to these letter can be found in Correspondence from the Adjutant General, 1861-1898 [State Archives Series 146]. Both collections can be paged and researched in the Library.
The Grave Registration Cards [State Archives Series 183] of Veterans Buried in Ohio who fought in the Civil War are on microfilm rolls GR 3146 through 3238 in the Library Microfilm Room.
The Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers from Ohio [State Archives Series 1086] is available on microfilm rolls GR 7618 through GR 7739 in the Library Microfilm Room. This index provides information needed to request service records from the National Archives.
The Civil War Era Newspapers of Mount Vernon Collection, contributed by the Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County, includes two Knox county newspapers published between 1860 and 1865, and is available in digital format on Ohio Memory, a statewide digital library program.
Ohio in the War: Her Statesmen, Generals and Soldiers by Whitelaw Reid [R 973.7471 B6 1995] contains a complete narrative history of Ohio's role in the Civil War, officer biographies, and capsule histories of every Ohio unit. This publication is also on microfilm [FLM 295] in the Library Microfilm Room.
"Buckeyes All": A Compendium and Bibliography of Ohio in the Civil War by Steven H. Ward [R 973.7471 W217b 2004] contains a chapter for every Ohio Civil War unit. It also gives a bibliography of every known publication about that unit, as of its revised publication date in 2004.
States at War: A Reference Guide for Ohio in the Civil War, edited by Richard F. Miller [R 973.7 St29 v.5] is the fifth volume in a series of books on Union states during the Civil War. It includes bibliographic references and an index.
Issues of The National Tribune, Jan. 7, 1904-Dec. 28, 1905, are available on microfilm roll FLM 347 in the Library Microfilm Room.
The Civil War Pension Index and further Civil War information can be accessed by using Ancestry and Fold3 which are available via computers in the Library.
An index to SAS 87, Civil War, Prisoners of War, Adjutant General, 1864-1865, an index to SAS 147, Correspondence to the Governor and Adjutant General, 1861-1866, and a brief guide to primary resources with connections to the Civil War can be found at this Civil War Resources page.
You can browse all Civil War era newspapers, library, archives, and museum records using our Online Collections Catalog. A Civil War Guide is also available on the Ohio History Connection website.
Below is a an example of a Civil War battle flag found in our museum collections.
Description: National Colors of the 45th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Rectangular flag measures 193 cm high by 187 cm wide, Text on flag reads: Morgan's Chase through Ky., Ind., and Ohio; Knoxville. Resacca. 45th Regiment, O.V.I. Kenesaw. Atlanta. Jonesboro. Franklin. Nashville.
In the autumn of 1862, Kirby Smith's 6,850 Confederate soldiers threatened to reach the Ohio River. Governor David Tod called upon the citizens of the state to form militia companies to assist with protecting the border. The response brought almost 16,000 men and boys, who came wearing an assortment of different clothing and carrying hunting rifles. It was noted that they looked like squirrel hunters. Since the Confederate army did not reach the Ohio River, the troops were sent home. On March 11, 1863 the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives voted to honor the men with discharge papers in recognition of their patriotism.
The Squirrel Hunters' Records [State Archives Series 119] includes the original handwritten roster of the Squirrel Hunters on microfilm roll GR3986 in the Library Microfilm Room.
The Index of the Ohio Squirrel Hunters Roster [R 929.3771 P456i] includes an index plus a history of the Squirrel Hunters' origin, activities, and discharge. This is located at the Ready Reference section of the Library.
Squirrel Hunter Military Discharge and Pension Records, 1862-1890 [State Archives Series 7169] are available as collection GRVF 26/10 and can be paged in the Library for research.
Following the success of Confederate forces in eastern Kentucky and General John Hunt Morgan's raids there in 1862, and Confederate General Kirby Smith's move toward Cincinnati, Cincinnati residents believed that Southern invasion was imminent. Anxious officials ordered Cincinnati citizens to form home guards, but black men willing to volunteer were rebuffed when they attempted to join a defense force. Instead, police serving as provost guards rounded up many and marched them by bayonet to build fortifications in Kentucky. Reacting to the shameful treatment of the blacks eager to support the Union, the commander of the Department of Ohio dispatched Major General Lewis Wallace to command the civilians and to liberate black men forced into service.
Judge William Martin Dickson, who favored enlisting black soldiers in the Union Army, assumed command of the brigade, composed of 800 African American volunteers determined to fight to end slavery. From September 2-20, 1862 they cleared forests and built military roads, rifle pits, and fortifications. Receiving deserved praise for their labor, the unit disbanded when the Confederate forces no longer imperiled the city. Members of the Cincinnati Black Brigade, first black unit with military purpose in the North during the Civil War, later fought with the 127th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, which became the 5th United States Colored Troops (USCT), the 54th and 55th Massachusetts and other Black regiments. (From: http://genealogytrails.com/ohio/hamilton/civilwar_blackbrigade.html)
The Black Brigade of Cincinnati by Peter H. Clark [973.7415 C548] can be paged for research in the Library.
Enrollment and Report of the "Black Brigade" of Cincinnati by William M. Dickson [973.7471 O-b] can be paged for research in the Library. This publication is also available on microfilm [FLM 323] and is available in the Library Microfilm Room.
Ohio's African American Civil War Heritage by Washington High School [973.70922771 Oh3 2003] includes a collection of essays and can be paged for research in the Library.
In 1863, the United States government authorized the formation of the United States Colored Troops (USCT). As the American Civil War continued, the government sought African American soldiers to assist in the war effort. John Mercer Langston, Ohio's first African American Lawyer, helped recruit and assemble Union troops, including the Massachusetts 54th, the first black regiment in the nation. 158 Ohioans joined the 54th regiment, along with 222 Ohioans in the 55th regiment. The 127th Ohio Volunteer Infantry was formed at Camp Delaware, and was redesignated the 5th United States Colored Troops regiment before moving to Norfolk, Virginia. Other USCT regiments include the 16th, 17th, 44th, 72nd, and 27th, which included over 100 men from Ross and Highland counties. In total, 5,092 Ohio African-Americans served in the USCT. Following the Civil War, the United States military continued to welcome African American soldiers into the ranks, although these soldiers were no longer designated United States Colored Troops. African Americans still served in segregated units, commanded by white officers.
United States Colored Troops, 1863-1867 by William A. Gladstone [973.7415 G455u 1990] includes bibliographic references and an index, and can be paged for research in the Library.
Ohio's Black Soldiers Who Served in the Civil War by Eric E. Johnson [R 973.7415 J631o 2014] lists the names of over 6,700 soldiers, with company, rank, age, birthplace, enlistment and discharge information, and death and burial information if occurred during the war.
For Their Own Cause: The 27th United States Colored Troops by Kelly D. Mezurek [973.7415 M579f 2016] includes bibliographic references, an index, illustrations, and maps, and can be paged for research in the Library.
Grand Army of the United States Colored Troops by Washington High School [R 929.3771813 W67 2000] includes bibliographic references and is available to research in the Library.
Commission for Organization of United States Colored Troops [PA Box 782 36] contains orders relating to the organization of the USCT and can be paged for research in the Library.
Papers, 1864 April 27 [VFM 856] includes an inventory and inspection report from the 5th Regiment USCT. Papers, 1868 July 6 [VFM 887] contains a letter between 27th Regiment USCT Both items can be paged for research in the Library.
Images related to the United States Colored Troops from the Civil War era are available on Ohio Memory, and statewide digital library program.
The Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission was established by an act of the Ohio General Assembly in 1959. The Commission's purpose was to coordinate and execute plans for events commemorating Ohio's role in the Civil War submitted to the commission by local, county, and other civic groups. The most important function of the commission was a sustained program of publications on Civil War topics. The fifteen booklets published are held in the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission Publications collection [Ohio Docs 973.7471 B4 no.1-15] in the Library and can be paged for research.
The Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission Collection, 1961-1964 [MSS 1460] features cachet covers, each depicting a scene from the Civil War, and can be paged for research in the Library.
Correspondence, 1960-1964 [State Archives Series 1116] contains letters pertaining to requests for information, copies of publications, and correspondence with authors. This collection can be paged for research in the Library.
You can view all Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission library and archives collection records using our Online Collections Catalog.
The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was a fraternal organization of veterans of the US Civil War. The posts were organized by location, much like the posts of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).
We hold the following collections related to the Grand Army of the Republic:
MSS 715 Grand Army of the Republic. Dept. of Ohio records is a collection from the statewide organization of the GAR. It is a large collection of assorted records. It is not a comprehensive record of membership of the local chapters, nor is the collection name indexed.
The military history of Ohio…with histories of its G.A.R. and Ladies' Auxiliary posts, and Camps of Sons of Veterans. 1887. New York: H.H. Hardesty. Although there is not an edition of this book for every Ohio county, the book typically lists the members of the local GAR posts in the county. These are available in the Reading Room of our Archives & Library.
Check out our library catalog for other printed materials about the Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Ohio.
On Ohio in the Civil War, Larry Stevens has compiled a list of Ohio GAR posts by county.
See also: Noyes, Elmer. "A history of the Grand Army of the Republic in Ohio from 1866 to 1900." Doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University, 1945.
Discover books, newspapers, periodicals, company catalogs, pamphlets, maps, atlases and more!
We do not hold military service or pension records. That information can be obtained by contacting the National Archives and Records Administration. Records prior to World War I are located at the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.
You may also wish to read the military records section of the National Archives Genealogy webpage.