Archives & Library
Ohio History Connection
800 East 17th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43211
Phone: 614.297.2510
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You can search our newspaper holdings using our Library Catalog.
You can search by title in the library catalog and check 'newspaper' in the format section to limit your results to newspapers,
or search by title and with the phrase newspaper microfilm (example: newspaper microfilm ti:columbus dispatch) to limit your results to just newspapers on microfilm.
You can also search by city or county in the library catalog and check 'newspaper' in the format section to limit your results to newspapers from a particular place.
Click on the items in the results list to view date ranges, newspaper number and volume and/or roll numbers.
Within the catalog record for any newspaper, you will find a sub search bar just above the holdings to "Search volume, year or item". It is very handy search feature if you are looking for a particular year of publication.
Once you have your search results, click on the title to see a description of the paper and a list of the rolls of microfilm or hardcopy newspapers we hold for that title. Newspapers with "Roll" numbers are available on microfilm. They can be viewed in our Library during public hours and are also available for interlibrary loan. Newspapers labeled with an "N" number and volume designation are in their original hardcopy format. They are not available for interlibrary loan and must be viewed in our Library during public hours. Some hardcopy newspapers may not be available for use due to poor condition and are noted as such in the catalog description.
The book, Guide to Ohio newspapers, 1793-1973 : union bibliography of Ohio newspapers available in Ohio libraries, is a go-to source for known newspaper titles and libraries that hold them.
Use the U.S. Newspaper Directory on Chronicling America to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. You can search by State, County and/or City and limit by decade. Use the “Libraries that Have It” tab.
WorldCat is a network of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide. Advanced search features let you limit by format for newspaper. Using the “Enter your location” feature can help you find libraries near you.
The Western Reserve Historical Society is the official repository of the history of Northeast Ohio and holds a significant collection of area newspapers.
Bowling Green State University Center for Archival Collections holds a significant collection of newspapers from Northwest Ohio.
Local public libraries may have coverage of their local newspaper(s). Public libraries may also provide access to digital newspaper databases. You can find public libraries in Ohio using OPLIN's Find a Library.
Community History Archives - Ohio is a directory of Ohio public libraries using Advantage Archives to make local newspapers and other sources available online.
Ohio County (WV) Public Library Digital Newspaper Archive has digitized the microfilmed versions of our Wheeling News-Register and The Intelligencer newspapers, which are very useful for Ohio communities near Wheeling.