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Frequently Asked Questions: Visit

Library Hours

Library Hours
Wednesdays 12:30 pm - 3 pm
Thursdays  10 am - 3 pm
Fridays 10 am - 3 pm 

Contact the Archives & Library

Contact the Archives & Library

Archives & Library 
Ohio History Connection 
800 East 17th Avenue 
Columbus, OH 43211 

Phone: 614.297.2510 
Contact Us!

Preparing for your Visit

Preparing For Your Visit

We ask that researchers be registered for a free Archives & Library card. If you do not have a library card - separate from an Ohio History Connection membership card - please download, print and complete the forms below. Our Front Desk team at the Ohio History Center can register and print library cards. 

If you have made a personalized research appointment, collection materials will be paged before your reservation, so please be sure to request all material before your visit.

Wi-Fi via mobile hotspot is available, and there are electrical outlets at each library table for your use. No handheld or personal scanners are permitted.

You are welcome to bring a laptop or other device into the library, as well as notebooks, paper and pencils. Bags and purses must be stored in lockers, available in the third-floor lobby area outside the library entrance. (Lockers require a refundable quarter to release the key.) 

We do allow digital cameras for personal research purposes. Before using one, you will be asked to read and sign a Digital Camera Policy form to indicate that you understand our policies. We also have three personal overhead digital scanners available (i.e. Hovercams) available for reserve. Flash photography or motion photography and video recordings of our collections are not permitted.

Local government records microfilm and newspapers on microfilm are available in our self-service microfilm room. You may print images from our microfilm reader/printers for 25 cents per page or save them to a flash drive. 

Please note, requests for scans or photocopies by staff exceeding ten pages will not be completed on the same day. Due to limited on-site staff, please allow two to four weeks to receive requested copies, maximum of twenty-five pages, which will be sent to you electronically. The cost is 25 cents per page scanned. For large copy orders, exceeding 25 pages, please visit our Photocopy Requests page for more information.

We ask that you use pencils, no pens. We do provide pencils for our visitors.