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Resources for Identifying and Researching Your Artifacts, Objects and Specimens

Helpful resources from the Curators at the Ohio History Connection to identify, research and preserve a variety of Ohio items. Use the tabs at the left to see resources related to specific items.



The National Quilt Museum 

An Introduction to Identifying and Collecting Antique Quilts 

Eileen Jahnke Trestain, Dating Fabrics: A Color Guide 1800-1960, 1998, American Quilter's Society. 

Eileen Jahnke Trestain, Dating Fabrics: A Color Guide 2 1950-2000, 2005, American Quilter's Society. 

Barbara Brackman, Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns, 1993, American Quilter's Society. 

Barbara Brackman, Encyclopedia of Applique: An Illustrated, Numerical Index to Traditional and Modern Patterns, 1993, EPM Publications, Inc. 

Ricky Clark, George W. Knepper, and Ellice Ronsheim, Quilts in Community: Ohio's Traditions, 1991, Rutledge Hill Press. 

Ricky Clark, Quilted Gardens: Floral Quilts of the Nineteenth Century, 1994, Rutledge Hill Press. 

Maggie Malone, 5,500 Quilt Block Designs, 2003, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.  

Jenny Beyer, The Quilter's Album of Patchwork Patterns, 2009, Breckling Press. 

Judy Rehmel, The Quilt I.D. Book, 1986, Prentice Hall Books.  

Yvonne M. Khin, The Collector’s Dictionary of Quilt Names and Patterns, 1980, Portland House. 


The National Museum of the American Coverlet 

National Woven Coverlet Collection at the National Museum of American History 

John W. Heisley for the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center, A Checklist of American Coverlet Weavers, 1978, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 

Clarita S. Anderson, American Coverlets and their Weavers: Coverlets from the Collection of Foster and Muriel McCarl, 2002, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 

Helene Bress, The Coverlet Book Early American Handwoven Coverlets, 2003, Flower Valley Press. 


The Ohio State University Historic Costume & Textile Collection 

Costume Society of America 

Textile Society of America 

UCLA Library Fashion and Costume Research Guide 

Anne Bissonnette, Fashion on the Ohio Frontier, 1790-1840, 2003, Kent State University Museum. 

François Boucher, 20,000 Years of Fashion: The History of Costume and Personal Adornment, 1885-1966, 1967, Harry N. Abrams. 

Dorine van den Beukel, A Pictorial History of Costume, 1999, Knickerbocker Press. 

Melissa Leventon, What People Wore When: A Complete Illustrated History of Costume from Ancient Times to the Nineteenth Century for Every Level of Society, 2008, St. Martin's Griffin. 

James Laver, Costume and Fashion: A Concise History, 1899-1975, 2002, Thames & Hudson. 

Bronwyn Cosgrave, The Complete History of Costume & Fashion: From Ancient Egypt to the Present Day, 2000, Checkmark Books. 

Preservation Resources

The methods you use to store, display and clean textiles will help to preserve them for years to come. Below are helpful guides with links to resources that you can use to ensure a long life for your textiles.

Donate an Item to the Collections

Interested in donating an item to the Ohio History Connection? Learn what we collect and how to donate here.