The Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers, settled in eastern and southern Ohio in the late 1700s and early 1800s. They established Mt. Pleasant, Alliance, Salem, and Lisbon in addition to several other communities across the state. The first Quaker to arrive in Ohio was George Harlan in 1795. To connect Quakers across the state, the Ohio Yearly Meeting as established in 1813. In 1821, Quakers in Wapakoneta formed a school to teach Shawnee Indians the English language and their farming techniques. The Quakers opposed violence and war, and were active in the Underground Railroad. They established Wilmington College in 1870.
Below are lists of select archival and library materials related to the Quakers, available for research at the Ohio History Connection Archives & Library. Review the catalog links below, or explore our Online Collections Catalog using a specific church name or related search terms for more information [example search terms: "Quakers -- Ohio", "Society of Friends", "Friends, Society of"].
Bailey, and Wasson Families Stanton Papers. 1823-1883 [MSS 687]
Bates-Harrison Family Papers. 1781-1899 [MSS 179]
Charles Osborn Papers. 1808-1889 [MSS 33]
David Evans Papers. 1790-1895 [MSS 191]
Minutes of Ohio Yearly Meeting [microfilm] : first held at Short Creek house, 1813, 1813-1831. [MIC 24]
Society of Friends, Newberry Monthly Meeting, 1816-1926. [VOL 1489]
Society of Friends, Ohio Yearly Meeting Records, 1808-1991 [microform]. [MIC 168]
Society of Friends, Salem Quarterly Meeting Records, 1798-1991 [microform]. [MIC 170]
Springboro Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1824-1917. [VFM 6116]
Index to Encyclopedia of American Quaker Records
Encyclopedia of American Quaker Records
Collected traditions of "Ye old log cabin town" at Chesterhill, Ohio : founded by the Quakers from Belmont County [PA Box 472 36]
A letter addressed to the Clerk and members of Ohio Yearly Meeting [PA Box 211 17]
Minutes of Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends. [289.6177106 F915m]
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