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Welcome to the Archives & Library at the Ohio History Center: Interlibrary Loan

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Archives & Library 
Ohio History Connection 
800 East 17th Avenue 
Columbus, OH 43211 

Voicemail: 614.297.2510 
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Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

The Archives & Library at the Ohio History Center is a non-circulating research library. Our collections are available in Columbus, Ohio for public use. We will interlibrary loan microfilm formatted materials that fit into categories described below.

AVAILABLE through Interlibrary Loan

  •  Newspaper microfilm – Search our newspaper holdings using our Library Catalog.

    You can search by title in the library catalog and check 'newspaper' in the format section to limit your results to newspapers,
    or search by title and with the phrase newspaper microfilm (example: newspaper microfilm ti:columbus dispatch) to limit your results to just newspapers on microfilm.

    Click on the items in the results list to view date ranges, newspaper number and volume and/or roll numbers.

    We loan newspapers that have a call number “Roll:” followed by a number (ex. Roll: 36371). We do not loan newspapers that have a call number “N” followed by a number and “Vol.” followed by a number (ex. N409 Vol. 076). Newspapers designated with an "N" are in paper format and available for use only in our library.

  •  Microfilm of manuscript collections for which the Ohio History Connection holds the original material and negative master copy of the microfilm.

  •  Some printed material (ex. published books) on microfilm.

UNAVAILABLE through Interlibrary Loan

  •  Printed material (not held in microfilm format)

  •  Manuscript material (not held in microfilm format)

  •  Microfilmed manuscript collections for which the Ohio History Connection does not hold the original material and negative master copy of the microfilm.

  •  Government record microfilm: such as census, marriage, birth, death and naturalization records

How to Order

We accept requests for borrowing microfilm by the following methods:

  •  OCLC WorldShare (preferred) - library symbol OHT

  •  Regular mail (see address below)

Requests must come from a library and be submitted on library letterhead or an official form so that we know the request is from a library, rather than directly from a patron or individual. 

Fees and Other Policies

Our fee for loaning microfilm to U.S. libraries is $5.00 per roll. The loan fee for libraries located outside of the U.S. is calculated based on actual mailing costs. Please Contact Us for a price quote.

  •  Prepayment is not required. If orders are not prepaid, please request that we invoice the $5.00 per roll fee. We will then send an invoice with the film.

  •  We accept payment via OCLC IFM (preferred) or by check or money order. Checks should be made payable to the Ohio History Connection.

  •  Loan period is 28 days.

  •  A library may have a maximum of 10 microfilm rolls from us at one time.

  •  One renewal for up to 28 days is generally permitted unless other researchers have requested the material. There is no charge to renew a loan.

  • Any damage to the film (outside of that resulting from normal wear & tear or use), or loss of the film, will result in a charge to the borrowing library for full replacement cost.


Contact Information:

Interlibrary Loan
Archives & Library
Ohio History Connection
800 East 17th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43211

Phone: 614.297.2510
Contact Us!