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Welcome to the Archives & Library at the Ohio History Center: What to Expect During Your Visit

Welcome to the Ohio History Connection Archives & Library!

What to Expect During Your Visit

On this page, find helpful information about what to expect during your visit to the Ohio History Connection Archives & Library!

Contact Us

Contact the Archives & Library

Archives & Library 
Ohio History Connection 
800 East 17th Avenue 
Columbus, OH 43211 

Voicemail: 614.297.2510 
FAX: 614.297.2546 

Registration & Check-In

Registration & Check In

We ask that researchers be registered for a free Archives & Library account.  If you do not have a library registration - separate from an Ohio History Connection membership account - please download, print and complete the forms on the left-hand side of this page. Please stop at the Ohio History Center first floor Front Desk to check-in; our Front Desk team can enter your registration.  Upon arriving at the 3rd-floor library, please check-in again with library desk staff.

Self-Serve & Paged Items

Self-Serve & Paged Items

Items in the Reading Room and in the microfilm room are self-serve, or readily available to our researchers.  Items in our closed stacks collection (noted in the catalog by the phrase 'can be paged') must be paged (or pulled) by one of our staff.  Please use our catalog to identify any items you may wish to view during your visit and have the title and collection information (including box number / folder number) ready. 

Library staff page items on the half hour during those times we are open, so plan ahead - check our catalog before your visit to prepare the collection citation information and have that ready when you come in!  Please note that we cease paging 45 minutes before our closing time of 3pm.  There may be some paging requests that cannot be filled day-of, and our staff will work with you to arrange an appointment for a later time.  Factors that impact whether an item can be paged include: staffing, the size, format, or type of materials requested, the number of materials requested, the location or condition of the materials requested, and more.

Have questions about our collections, don't know where to start, or want to view a large amount of resources? Consider making an appointment for a personalized research experience! You'll be connected with one of our skilled archivist librarians who can answer any questions and ensure that collection materials are ready for your visit!



Local government records on microfilm and newspapers on microfilm are available in our self-service microfilm room.  You may print images from our microfilm reader/printers for 25 cents per page or save them to a flash drive from our ScanPro microfilm machines.  We encourage you to use our catalog to prepare the reel information prior to your visit.  Please note that reels with the designation "MIC" must be paged by staff.

Copies, Photography & Scans

Copies, Photography & Scans

No handheld or personal digital scanners are permitted.  We do allow digital cameras for personal research purposes - before using one, you will be asked to read and sign a Digital Camera Policy form to indicate that you understand our policies.  This form can be found on the left-hand side of this page.  We also have three overhead digital scanners available (i.e. Hovercams) for reserve.  Flash photography, motion photography and video records of our collections are not permitted.

Staff may make scans or photocopies, not both, for researchers at a cost of 25 cents per page scanned or copied.  Please note, requests for scans or photocopies by staff exceeding ten pages will not be completed on the same day.  For large copy orders, exceeding ten pages, please visit our Library Scanning Service page for more information.

General Care Instructions

General Care Instructions

You are welcome to bring a laptop or other device into the library, as well as notebooks, paper and pencils - no pens. We do provide pencils for our visitors. There are electrical outlets at each library table for your use. Bags and purses must be stored in lockers, available in the 3rd-floor lobby area outside the library entrance. Lockers require a refundable quarter to release the key.

Wi-Fi is available upon request.

No food or drink is allowed in the library.

Defacing or damaging any collection in any way is not permitted.

Extreme care is necessary for handling our unique materials and staff may provide further care instructions during your visit.

Other Helpful Information

Other Helpful Information

We have limited equipment available for engaging with audio/visual collections - please see the Reading Room Resources page for more information that equipment, as well as information about finding aids and the Hovercams.

Curious about what some of the terms we use mean? Check out our helpful Glossary to learn more!